It’s that time of year where the card companies cash in, flower shops are empty and that one guy in the clubs that sells roses finally gets rid of his stocks, yes it’s Valentines Day – not to be confused with V-Day, that would be messy.
Some of you may know that I am quite anti-Valentines, as I don’t understand why it’s yet another day where (normally) a guy ends up out of pocket, why not spread your payments throughout the year eh?! But then 2012 happened and I ended up in the hype of things. Yes, that’s right, I am now a Valentines believer!
Well, Flowers – Check, Chocolates – Interflora messed that one up (I shall be having words!) and table for dinner – Check (just about!) How difficult is it to book a table at Maccy Ds, not as difficult as the look on her face when we just do the drive through, BOOM, I’m in!