January 23, 2012August 10, 2020 The one with the idiot hand shake Walking into Tesco at the weekend, I collect my trolley and start pushing it...
January 9, 2012October 19, 2020 The one with the swedish massage I’m not generally one for touching strangers which makes me more than likely not...
January 1, 2012August 10, 2020 The one with the new year of 2012 The first post of 2012 and it doesn’t really look any different from the...
December 28, 2011August 10, 2020 The one with the rat in the car A new car (6months old), I get into it this morning, press the button...
December 8, 2011August 10, 2020 The one with the free design job I was supposed to post this last month but have been busy trying to...
December 2, 2011August 10, 2020 The one with the funny text I’m not really one for text jokes, chain mail or things of that sort....
December 1, 2011October 19, 2020 The one with the strange noise There are, on occasions, where I have to be up quite early and out...
November 14, 2011October 19, 2020 The one where I became a vegetarian Which might be some of the reason I might not make it through to...